Once upon a time, a woman named Lori and her dog Shelby, decided to travel together across the country where they found lighthouses, sparkling waves, buffalo roaming free, and just about anything and everything they could have imagined. And more.


Every storytelling adventurer has a few grand tales to tell. These are the best of the bunch. I share my adventures, my challenges, my humorous encounters and even a few tears…but mostly my pure joy.


Time in nature has a way of igniting creativity and deeper reflection on the meaning of it all. This scrapbook-style collection includes personal journal entries, some favorite quotes, poems and few unexpected surprises.

photo gallery

No travel journal is complete without a photo album filled with the most stunning and beautiful images of those moments that words simply cannot describe.


God leads me to still waters that restore my spirit  –  Psalm 23

photo gallery

a thousand words

At times words simply cannot describe the feeling of a moment the way a photograph can. I hope you’ll enjoy this gallery as much as I did creating it! 

waterfalls and creeks
Curabitur pellentesque, massa nec rutrum mattis, justo mi consectetur urna, sed lobortis nunc ex vel quam.
bridges, piers and pathways
Curabitur pellentesque, massa nec rutrum mattis, justo mi consectetur urna, sed lobortis nunc ex vel quam.
tidepools and coastal beauty
Integer vel nulla massa. Maecenas a neque sit amet lectus dictum mattis. Maecenas facilisis, arcu volutpat bibendum semper.

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